Crèche graduates Kakaho and Kawakawa live in the wild near Blackball. The Paparoa Wildlife Trust (PWT) monitors their nesting attempts, and Atarau Sanctuary researchers run autonomous recorders on their territory to listen in on their calls. We can recognise both Kakaho and Kawakawa by their calls!
The PWT’s kiwi ranger places cameras near nesting burrows with great care to avoid disturbing the incubating bird (usually the male during the day). Video footage from nests is provided by PWT and is posted here with their permission. Check out their Facebook page to learn more about their amazing conservation work in the Paparoas!
Hatch Date: 5 December 2012 Sex: Male Parents: Holley and Hussey Released to wild: 22 December 2013
Hatch Date: 9 January 2012 Sex: Female Parents: Mac and Mello Released to wild: 12 December 2012
We have been running automated acoustic recorders on Tuke and Fern’s territory since the middle of 2020. Our deep learning algorithm has learned to recognise their calls. You can view a map that shows the general area they call in, and listen to their individually-unique songs, by exploring our roroa visualisation tools.