Meet the Kiwi
Since 2010, Atarau Sanctuary has cared for more than 50 roroa / great spotted kiwi in our crèche. Click on their names below to learn a bit about their history and see them in action. Some of the earliest roroa to stay in the crèche are now living in the wild, and the Paparoa Wildlife Trust monitors their nests – scroll down to see videos of them as well!
Current residents and recent graduates
Ōhonu is the youngest roroa in the crèche for the 2020-2021 season. More about Ōhonu…
Rehutai was named in honour of the winning America’s Cup team. More about Rehutai…
Tekimoka is super chatty! More about Tekimoka…
Our first chick for 2020 checks out the camera. Read more about Kaimata…
Digging in. More about Royal…More roroa fun….
Here are a few of our favourite clips of unidentified roroa, and other compilations.
Adult roroa now living in the wild
Fern and Tuke
Meet sanctuary graduates Tuke and Fern, who now live in the wild. More about Tuke and Fern…
Kawakawa and Kakaho
Kawakawa and Kakaho both lived in the sanctuary when they were small. They are now paired up and living in the wild. More about Kawakawa and Kakaho…
Ruby and Potter
Ruby is a former sanctuary resident who met a wild male, Potter, after she left the crèche. More about Ruby and Potter…